Ingliz tili 8-sinf testi
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Ingliz tili 9-sinf testi

ingliz tili test 9-sinf o’quvchilari uchun ingliz tili fanidan test savollari 

 1.There are … types of schools in the US educational system.
a)4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
2.Children go to kindergarten when they are … years old.
a)6 b) 4 C) 5 d)3
3. High school include from … to … grades in the USA
a) 6-8 b) 7-8 c) 9-10 d) 9-12
4. Only 10% of the children attend … schools.
a) private b) public c) elementary d) high
5. School lasts… in the UK
a) half day b) 6 hours c)all day d) 8 hours
6. how many percent of all children in the USA attend public school?
a)90 b) 60 C) 50 d) 80
7. In Uzbekistan children under … years old can go kindergarten.
a) 5 b) 6 c)4 d)7
8. Secondary schools are called … schools.
a) private b) high c0 comprehensive d) elementary
9. I am good … sport.
a) in b) at c) on d) about
10. There is … in the room. It is empty.
a)anybody b) somebody c) nobody d) someone
11. Are the Estover school children punished by physical way?
a) yes b) I don’t know c) sometimes d) no
12. what is bullying ? a)frightening b) beating c)punishing by jargons d) punishing by physical way
13. where did Shakespeare live?
a)Britain b)London c) Scotland d) Stratford upon Avon
14. Pygmalion is an interesting…
a)sport b) play c0 novel d) game
15. Labor day is a holiday in the …
a)UK b) Uzbekistan c) USA d) Canada
16. … is a type of drum. It is a traditional musical instrument.
a)doira b) piano c) guitar d) saxophone
17. I am not keen … running.
a)on b) in c) at d) with
18. what is the translation of “cooperation” in Uzbek?
19. how many percent of pupils go to public schools in England?
20. clothes are made by ….
21.who was the inventor of telephone?
22. when was the telephone invented?
23. make up a sentence.
Do/use/often/ the telephone/you/ how?
24. who said the following proverb “ knowledge is power”
25If I were you I… (go) South Africa.


