7-sinf Ingliz tili fanidan test savollari
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7-sinf Ingliz tili fanidan test savollari (2-variant)

Bilimlar bellashuvining viloyat bosqichi uchun tuzilgan test savollaridan na’muna.



Test variant II


1.  I’ve heard how well he … French.

A) speak                              C) speaks

B) I speak                            D) speaking

2. She said that her friend’s name … Mary.

A) is                                    C) was

B) has been                        D) were

3. She thought it … curious.

A)  be                                 C) is

B) was                               D) has been

4. He said he … hungry.

A) was                               C) ’11 be

B) is                                   D) has been

5.  It is …. good information

A) a         B) The      C)-       D) an

6. John confessed he … like football.

A) doesn’t                           C) will not

B) didn’t                            D) do not

7.  He asked me how many lessons I … last week.

A) had                                 C) had had

B) was having                      D) have

8. He wondered what Dick______at that moment.

A) did                                 C) is doing

B) does                               D) was doing

9. My brother is a soldier. He’s in … army

A) the      B) a    C)  an     D) –

10. I am reading a book now.   … .

A) Neither am I                   C) So do I

B) So am I                           D) So I am

11. I am not reading a book now.______.

A) Neither am I                  C) Neither do I

B) So do I                             D) I am not

12. I played football last Sunday.   … .

A) So am I                          C) So did I

B) So was I                         D) So do I

13.  I didn’t play football last Sunday.  … .

A) So did I                         C) Neither was I

B) I didn’t too                     D) Neither did I

14. I can swim long distances.  … .

A) So do I                          C) So can I

B) So am I                          D) Neither can I

15. I can’t swim long distances.    … .

A) So can I                           C) I can’t too

B) Neither can I                  D) Neither do I

16. I could read the article without a dictionary.  … .

A) So could I                      C) Neither can I

B) So can I                          D) Neither am I

17. Paris is … capital of France.

A) the                                C) an

B) a                                    D) –

18. Chinese eat … rice every day.

A) the                              C) а

B) –                                  D) an

19.  London is the……. of Britain

20. The flag of Britain is called…….

21. This  thing   …  not  worth more  than a  shilling .

22. All of us paid attention  … this interesting  fact .

23.  Jack was both talented … well – qualified .

24.  The English auther known  as  the Queen  of Crime.

25. Cream is made …milk


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c c b a c b a d a
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
b a c d c b a a b


19.  heart

20. The Union Jack

21. is

22. to

23. and

24. Agatha Christie

25. of


