Test for Olympiada in English 1-variant
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Test for Olympiada in English 2-variant

1. … Easter is …. religious holiday.
A) -/- B) -/a C) the/a D) the/the

2. … article was published in … times on … April 14.
A) the/the/the B) -/the/- C) the/-/- D) the/the/-

3. The grasshopper had nothing to eat and an ant leaved near him. He went to … ant and begged her for … little corn.
A) a/the B)the/a C) An/the D) the/an

4. You should visit …. Science Museum when you in …. London.
A) a/- B) the/- C)-/- D) -/the
5. When we were in Washington D.C., we visited … White house, … Lincoln Memorial, and … Smithsonian Museum.
A) -/the /- B)the/-/the C) the/the/the D)-/-/the
6…..Philippines were named after … Philip II of … Spain.
A) the/the/- B) the/-/- C) -/the/- D) -/the/-
7….. Wednesday before … Thanksgiving is … busy day for the family cook.
A)the/-/a B)-/-/the C)a/the/a D)-/the/the
8.Professor Smith teaches … course on … literature of … Middle Ages.
A)a/the/the B)a/a/the C)a/the/a D)a/-/the
9.Today is … May first. … last, month was April.
A)the/the B) -/- C) the/- D)a/-
10. … last time I saw her, she was … blonde.
A) the/the B) -/a C) the/a D) -/the
11. Choose the appropriate preposition
My parents moved …Tashkent…the early “thirties”.
A) for/at B) in/in C) to/in D) by/on
12. Choose the appropriate preposition
Most …the houses were…logs.
А) of/at В) of/of С) of/from D) in/of
13. Choosc the appropriate preposition
I can see all the details: the lazy cat spread out …the fireplace, my.aunt…one chimney corner.
A) with/without B) in front of/in C) in/on D) within/beyond
14. Choose the appropriate articles
He was … proud man … silent man.
A)a/- B)a/a C)-/a D) the/a
15.Choose the appropriate synonym
He studied the document for a long time then uttered
A) read carefully B) taught C) looked at D) examined carefully
16.Choose the appropriate antonym
Nobody knew he was leaving the country: only Anne knew the truth
A) loyalty B) honour C) belief D) lie
17.Choose the proper antonym
One day my brother told the story to one of his friends
A) advisers B) enemies C) assistants D) backers
18.Normally Country Councils have between … … residents.

19.There are two working languages at the UN. What are they?____________

20.The Red Crescent … Uzbekistan has held many seminars … teach students … the dangers … drugs.

21.Write full name of UNICEF.__________________________

22.Have all adult Indians the right to vote?__________________

23.I had the new speaker, … was boring.

24.If you had bought the book yesterday, I … not … so disappointed now.

25.We can study the sky and the stars through …

