7-sinf uchun ingliz tili fanidan bilimlar bellashuvi savollari
8-sinf uchun ingliz tili fanidan bilimlar bellashuvi savollari 2-variant
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8-sinf uchun ingliz tili fanidan bilimlar bellashuvi savollari

1.Let’s go somewhere exciting ….. the weekend.
A) on B) in C) at D) with

2. He …….. a book when I saw him yesterday.
A) were reading B) was reading C) reads D) has read
3. … you ever …. to Japan?
A) Did /been B) Have/been C) Have/seen D) Do/was
4. …….invited ….. to stay with … in the hotel.
A) I/me/them B) She/he/they C ) They/us/them D)You/us/she
5. A: I don’t like maths.
B: …………..
A) So do I B) Neither do I C) I like too D) So like I

Testni to’liq holatda ko’rish uchun yuklab oling.
