
8-sinf uchun ingliz tili fanidan bilimlar bellashuvi savollari 2-variant

1. What ………….. from milk ? A) is make        B) is made    C) is makes           D)  was made

8-sinf uchun ingliz tili fanidan bilimlar bellashuvi savollari

1.Let’s go somewhere exciting ….. the weekend. A) on B) in C) at D) with

8-sinf Ingliz tili fanidan bilimlar bellashuvi uchun test savollari na’munasi

1. I … living in England if the weather …. better . A . wouldn’t mind / is B . wouldn’t mind / were C . […]

8-sinf Ingliz tili test dasturi

8-sinf ingliz tili fanidan bilimlar bellashuvi uchun test savollari na’munasi keltirilgan test dasturi (Ixtisoslashtirilgan maktablari uchun)