8-sinf Mаtematika 2-variant (uz)
Ingliz tili 8-sinf testi
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Ingliz tili 8-sinf testi

ingliz tili test 8-sinf o’quvchilari uchun ingliz tili fanidan test savollari 

I term
1 When does Uzbekistan celebrate Independence day .
a) on September b) on October c) on august 31 d) on July
2 When does America celebrate Independence day.
a) on December b) on July 4 c) on September d) on August
3 Uzbek women make sumalak ____ Navruz
a) on b) at c) in d) of
4People send each other cards____ New Year
a) to b) on c) with d) in
5__________is Guy Fawkes Night in Britain
a) August 4 th b) September 2 nd c) october 5 th d) November 5 th
6 Independence Day is a national holiday ___ America
a) at b) in c) on d) with
7 The front page of a newspaper _________ the book page
a) different b) not the same as c) the same as d) not different
8 «Liza» is a magazine for ________ and girls
a) Woman b) women c) boys d) man
9 Where has Aziz come from . The teacher asked where Aziz_____from.
a) Has come b) coming c) came d) had come
10 He said they __________him a model of the car.
a) Will give b) would give c) give d) gave
11 Darakchi is wan of _____ fames newspapers.
a) More b) most c) the more d) the most
12 His very good ____ math’s.
a) In b) with c) at d) on
13 I am very interested _____newspapers.
a) In b) with c) by d) at
14 Boys like sports programmers ____ than girls .
a) Much b) more c) little d) few
15 After she ______ her exams she ____________ to Paris.
a) Had finished /went b) goes /go c) finished/goes d) has finish/gow
16 When I ________ my homework I ______ computer games.
a) Have done/I play b) had done/ played c) do played d) have do / go
17 I ___ TV everyday wast week
a) Watch b) had watched c) watched d) has watched
18 Which country has the most national holidays.
19 Which American Holidays are religious
20 Which holidays are the same in the UK , the USA and Uzbekistan
21 Which days are special days in the UK and the the USA.
22 Who wrote «All men are poets at heart»
23 What kind of the film «Ajal so’qmog’i»
24 When was BBC TV founded.
25 What TV channels are there in Britain.

