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7-sind Ingliz tili dars ishlanma
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Talking about a book mavzusida dars ishlanma

Grade :  8
Subject:  English
Theme : Talking  about  a   book

The aims  of  the  lesson:
Educational : to  talk  about serious  moral issues
Upbringing  : To  practice  reading  and  predicting  what  will  come  next  in  a  text
Developing:  To  read  interpret and discuss a  literary  extract
The type  of  the  lesson: Giving  new  knowledge
The  method  of  the lesson: communicative  Language Teaching the audio- lingual
The  way  of  teaching:  deductive  (presentation- practice- production)
The  equipment: books, card questions, computer, internet, blackboard
The block  scheme  of  the  lesson:

Steps Content Time
1-step. Organization part Greeting. The ready of pupils for the lesson. To create physiological climate in class.    3 minute
2-step. Asking and conclusion of previous theme Asking questions about last theme and checking homework.     10


3-step. To explain new theme Explaining a main content of new theme. Teacher tries to introduce more and more activities to develop study skills.     15


4-step. Remind new theme. Asking questions about new theme and practice listening, reading, speaking and writing skills accord the new theme. Pupils must be encouraged.    12


5-step. The ending of the lesson, marking pupils and giving homework l Estimating, explain homework     5



The procedure of the lesson:

  1. The organizational part: a) Greeting, conversation; b) to make physiological climate
  2. Repeating previous theme:

1Who  said  that  he  wanted  to speak  to  the  Chief  Inspector of police?

  1. Who didn’t understand why  people  where  hiding  things   from him?
  2. Who smoked the pipe?
  3. What organization was avoiding Henry Cooper?

III. Explaning new theme:

Warm  up

1What  did Cooper think  about the  Moon?

2What  kind  of  building did  the  Medical Research group  work in?

3 What  animal  did  doctor  Hasting  show  Cooper?

4.What  was unusual  about  this  animal?

Activity  1a Read  and  guess  the  phrases in  gaps

New   words:


Outside  – tashqi  dunyo

Hamsters- og’maxon

Unseen  earth-ko’rinmas   yer



“Oh , no ,”Hastings  said. We  haven’t  found it. The moon has  given  it  to  us . On  earth  we  spend  our  lives  fighting  gravity. Every  step we take , every  step  we  take , every  movement  we  make , is  hard  work  for(1)……. But  here  on  the  moon, where  an  eighty  kilo human weighs only about thirteen  kilos, a  body  has to  do  only (2)… of  that  work


The   answers:

1 our  bodies 2 Only a six  of  that  work 3 a month 4 two  hundred years  5 six  billion  6 hundred  thouthand7 hundred  thousand  8 two  hundred  years

Activity  2 Answer  the  questions

1 How  do  you   understand  the  sentence : His  words  feel  like  freezing raindrops into  Cooper’s  mind?

— Cooper  felt  unpleasantly  cold because he  heard  frightening   things

2  Who  are  they  in  doctor Hastings  sentence?

— people  on  earth

  1. Сonsolidating new theme. Remember box; Productional activities

Activity 3 work  in  groups.  Discuss  the  followings

1 a  discovery  of  the  past  that  changed  human

  1. a discovery that  my  change   human  life
  2. what might happen if  scientists are  dishonest
  3. Estimating PP
  4. Homework:ask  questions the  answers  are  given

Only one – six.  How many  parts has to do  a body ?

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar :

www.oqituvchi.uz   O`qituvchi uchun metodik qo`llanma ( 8-sinf )


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